Ring Parties | Letchworth Show | Entering and Competing | KC Progression | Agility Warrant | Agility Club League | Schedules
Agility Shows and Events
Letchworth DTC Ring Parties 2024
There are benefits to helping on a ring: you will get plenty of snacks and hot/cold drinks and sometimes you will get a free lunch or a voucher to spend on stalls.
You may also receive camping or parking privileges (being closer to the rings) and jumping the queue when running your dog. When we at Letchworth run a ring, we make sure
that the jobs are shared around and there are people to relieve you if you have to run your dog or take a break.
If you are attending any of the above shows, please put "Letchworth" or the judge's name in the section on the entry form about ring party to ensure you are allocated to the ring Letchworth are running.
If your dog is not yet ready to compete, you can still help at a show.
Please see below for how to enter a dog "Not For Competition" (NFC).
Letchworth DTC Premier Agility Show
Our Kennel Club Premier Agility show will take place 29th - 31st August 2025
Huntingdon Racecourse, Brampton, Huntingdon, PE28 4NL
How to Enter and Compete at an Agility Show
- Kennel Club Shows If your dog is not registered with the Kennel Club you will need to add it to the Activity Register.
- You will need to buy an Agility Record Book
- You will need to get your dog measured. Measuring takes place at Kennel Club shows and at other organised sessions. See more about Measuring on the Kennel Club Website
- Check the closing date for entries.
- Camping booking is sometimes separate to show entries. Check whether you can book camping when entering the show online or if you need to do so separately.
- Enter only classes for your dog's height and grade. If you are competing for the first time, your dog will be in Grade 1.
- Keep a copy of your entry form.
- View a sample ring card showing running orders (top) and ring plan showing the classes in the rings (bottom).
- These arrive either in the post or online on the show processor's website 10-14 days before the show. Check the classes entered agree with your entry form.
- The ring plan shows which classes are in which ring and the order in which they will run. On it highlight the classes in which you will be running. Mark on the ring plan your running order for each class. The ring card will show Running Order (abbrieviated RO) and the number of entries in each class. If the class is graded, the number of dogs in each grade.
- Make sure you bring your ring card (with your running orders on it) and the ring plan (which classes are in which rings). You may need a car pass to access the venue. You must also bring your Agility Record Book (required by KC regulations).
- Make sure your vehicle is well ventilated and your dog has plenty of water. Cover your car with sheets or specialist sun-reflective blankets.
- Arrive in time to walk a course. If your class is the first in the ring it will normally have an asterisk next to it on the ring card. Walk any courses you have first in the ring.
- When walking the course leave your dog in a secure place: in the car in a crate is the preferred option. Do not tie your dog to the stakes around the edge of the ring.
- Toilet your dog and yourself.
- Check you have nothing dangling on your dog's collar. No ID discs must be worn - flat ID plates that attach to the collar are available from agility shop websites. Your dog may not wear a harness while under test.
- When your class is running check to see what running order they are calling to. This will be announced over the PA and is either be displayed on a board at the ring or you can use the show processor's app or website to check on the progress of classes and also the results (details in the schedule).
- You should run your dog when the class is within 20 of your running order or calling to the end of the class.
- Take your dog to the ring and book in. The person you need is the caller, who will have a clip-board or an iPad. You will need to give your running order to the caller, who will sometimes confirm it is the right dog by asking you your name or sometimes the dog's KC name. A caller will only allow up to 10 dogs in the queue. Each dog takes approximately 1 minute to run.
- Join the queue and keep your place. Respect other dogs' space in the queue; some dogs will be quite hyped up before a run.
- When you reach the front of the queue: if using paper tickets, a member of the ring party (padder) will ask for your running order again to find the dog's ticket. If using the electronic system a ring party member will tell you when to go to the start line.
- A member of the ring party will collect from you your lead, any treats or toys and put them in a bucket near the finish.
- Wait for the scribe to start you.
- No titbits or toys are allowed in the ring.
- If you get a clear round, the judge may clap you at the end of your run.
- You can check your faults and time either with the scorer (if they have one on the ring) or, more commonly now, online.
- Most shows have an online results provider - shown on the schedule. Register with the results provider before the show so you know how to navigate it. You will be able to see how you did in your runs; the faults, the time and if you got a place.
- The scorer is the person in the tent by the side of the ring who records faults and the time of the run and writes up the results or records them on a laptop. You can ask the scorer for your time and faults but remember they need to concentrate on what they are doing so you may need to wait. Be polite when asking!
- Some shows do in-person presentations at the Secretary's tent (big marquee). Listen out for the tannoy for when the presentations are being made. Your name and your dog's name will be read out and the judge will present the awards. Some shows don't do in-person presentations and after you have checked the results, you go to the Secretary's tent and collect your rosette/trophy.
Kennel Club Progression
Handlers and dogs start at Grade 1 and can progress to Grade 7. Once you have won out of Grade 1 all subsequent dogs you own will start competing at Grade 2.
Progression is only by clear round wins, not wins with faults (including time faults). Progression cannot be gained by winning 'Special' classes such as Speedstakes, Pairs, Helter Skelter, Steeplechase, etc.
Summary of Grade Progression
Grade |
Total no. of wins needed |
Min no. of agility wins to progress |
1 to 2 |
2 |
1 |
2 to 3 |
2 |
1 |
3 to 4 |
3 |
2 |
4 to 5 |
4 |
2 |
5 to 6 |
4 |
2 |
6 to 7 |
5 |
3 |
So to go from Grade 1 to Grade 2 you need 2 wins and one of them has to be agility. You could have 10 jumping wins but you can't go into Grade 2 until you have an agility win. Once you have those agility wins you have to move up to the next grade.
When you have your final win to progress, you will stay at your current grade for 25 days. Any shows you go to in this time do not count towards progression, but points can be used for Agility Warrants and Agility Club leagues.
Any shows you have entered after the 25-day period will need to be amended by the show processor to your new grade. Most processors have a function on their website to do this or you can email them.
When you move up a grade, remember to change your dog's grade on all show processors. If you enter a show at the wrong grade it is your fault and you will not be able to run at that show - it happened at the last Letchworth show! You cannot run NFC at a Kennel Club show. There is an area in your Agility Record Book to record your wins to keep track.
Progression through the grades and warrant points are on trust from the Kennel Club.
Agility Warrants
The Kennel Club awards Warrants to dogs that achieve clear rounds and places at Open agility shows. A dog achieving a warrant has letters added after its KC Registered name.
An explanation of warrants and the scoring system can be found at:
It is also explained in your Agility Record Book.
Check your Agility Record Book to see how many points each place or clear round is worth. The points required for each warrant are as follows:
- Agility Warrant Bronze AW(B) 200 points (minimum 50 points in agility)
- Agility Warrant Silver AW(S) 400 points (minimum 100 points in agility)
- Agility Warrant Gold AW(G) 800 points (minimum 200 points in agility)
- Agility Warrant Platinum AW(P) 1200 points (minimum 300 points in agility)
- Agility Warrant Diamond AW(D) 1600 points (minimum 400 points in agility)
To apply for an Agility Warrant, download the application form from the Kennel Club's website.
Agility Club League
As a club we pay for members to be part of The Agility Club. Not only do you receive a magazine every month and can enter Agility Club qualifiers, but your placings can earn our club prizes!
On your online Agility Club account there is an area to name your club. Then you can enter your placings and these are used for your personal listing and linked to the club. There are different divisions the club can be in and we are aiming for Premier! Awards are then given out at the AGM for the individual with the most points in each grade and size and for the top clubs.
https://agilityclub.org The Agility Club website for entering placings.
Schedules and Entry Forms
Schedules for Agility Shows on the Agilitynet website
Show Processors
Not For Competition Dogs
If you would like to come and help at a show and want to bring a dog with you who is not competing, you will need to enter your dog "Not For Competition" (NFC). Dogs must be at least 4 calendar months of age and must be registered with the Kennel Club: either on the Breed Register or the Activity Register.
- Print out an entry form for the show - these can be found at Agilitynet Show Diary
- Fill in your details as owner and the dog's KC name, KC number, breed, date of birth and "NFC" in the Classes box.
- Provided you have sent off the form to register your dog on the Activity Register, you can still enter your dog in the show by putting "NAF" (name applied for) after your dog's name.
- Sign the form and hand it in at the Secretary's marquee at the show.
- Not For Competition dogs can also be entered online using the Show Processor's website.
Activity Register
To register your dog on the Activity Register (for crossbreeds and other dogs not on the Kennel Club Breed Register):
- Visit Application for registration of a dog on the activity register on the Kennel Club's Website. Complete Form 5 - either online or by printing, filling in and posting the paper version.
- The registration fee is £18.00
- The Kennel Club will send you an Activity Registration Certificate - this will include your dog's Activity Name (KC name) and KC number.
Agility Record Book
Your dog will need an Agility Record Book to compete at a Kennel Club show.
- Record Books are available at Kennel Club shows where Measuring is held.
- Record Books can also be purchased at official Measuring Sessions held at other venues.
- Record Books may be purchased online by visiting The Kennel Club Record Book in the shop on the Kennel Club's Website.
Letchworth DTC is not responsible for the content of external sites.